Resistant Starch Foods List and Book

According to the Skinny Carbs Diet: Carb Lover’s Diet Cookbook by David Feder RD, carbs should not be cut from meals. Resistant starch has fewer calories than regular starches but is more filling so dieters feel satisfied quicker.

Bananas, corn , potatoes, yams, pasta, pearl Barley, whole grain bread, navy beans, oatmeal, lentils and brown rice are some of the common resistant starch foods.

Buy the book at Amazon Store with 34% discount. Check it out: The Skinny Carbs Diet: Eat Pasta, Potatoes, and More! Use the power of resistant starch to make your favorite foods fight fat and beat cravings

You may also check the Kindle version: The Skinny Carbs Diet.

Book Description:
The first cookbook to capitalize on the fat-blasting, health-boosting benefits of resistant starch
After years of being relegated to the dietary sidelines, carbohydrates are making a comeback. Nutrition research shows that carbs have their place in a sensible eating plan—and a certain kind of carb, known as resistant starch, may even enhance the body’s natural fat-burning power.

Resistant starch delivers fewer calories per gram than regular starches while increasing post-meal satisfaction. It may also improve blood-sugar control, lower cancer risk, and foster healthy digestion.
Carb Lover’s Diet Cookbook provides the necessary tools and tips to make the most of resistant starch, including:

-the best food sources of resistant starch—potatoes, bananas, breads, and more
-complete instructions for cooking with resistant starch (cooling foods before serving is key)
-150 recipes featuring resistant starch ingredients



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