Live Oak High School – Morgan Hill Students Sent Home

What was the intention of the five high-school teens who went to school Wednesday morning wearing American flag T-shirts and bandannas? Was it to provoke a fight on Cinco de Mayo day (as school officials think) or simply to honor America with their patriotism?

Fox News:

The five teens were sitting at a table outside Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Calif., on Wednesday morning when Assistant Principal Miguel Rodriguez asked two of them to remove their American flag bandannas, one of their parents told The boys complied, but were asked to accompany Rodriguez to the principal’s office.

The five students — Daniel Galli, Austin Carvalho, Matt Dariano, Dominic Maciel and Clayton Howard — were then told they must turn their T-shirts inside-out or be sent home, though it would not be considered a suspension. Rodriguez told the students he did not want any fights to break out between Mexican-American students celebrating their heritage and those wearing American flags.

According to its website, Live Oak High School is a 1,300-student institution in the southern part of Santa Clara County in CA.



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