Tidewater Community College – Featured School

Tidewater Community College is a comprehensive institution of higher education offering programs of instruction generally extending no longer than two years beyond the high school level.

Career and technical education programs prepare you for employment. They are designed to meet the increasing demand for technicians, paraprofessionals, skilled craft workers, and specialized clerical workers for employment in industry, business, government, and the professions. These programs, which normally require two years or less of training beyond high school, include preparation for agricultural, business, engineering, health and medical, industrial, service, and other technical and occupational fields. The curricula are offered primarily to meet regional needs.

The college transfer programs include first and second year courses in arts and sciences and pre-professional programs designed to meet standards acceptable for transfer to baccalaureate (four-year) degree programs. TCC transfer courses closely parallel those offered at four-year institutions.

Courses in general education contain the common knowledge and skills you need to be effective as a person, an employee, a consumer, and a citizen. Both the college’s accrediting organization and the State Board for Community Colleges require that all curricula include general education components.

TCC offers smart training solutions for business, industry, and government clients. Employees need the right knowledge and skills for optimum job performance. Results-oriented profiles, assessments, training, and education will help retain your valuable associates. TCC offers “World Class Workforce Development Programs” at either the college’s or client’s location. Our business, industry and government training centers offer results-oriented, customized training for successful employers. We also offer traditional credit courses, certification programs, collaboration services, teleconferencing, and other business essential services. TCC is “getting down to business.” Call us for more information at (757) 822-1234.

The Portsmouth Campus provides academic coursework for the Norfolk Naval Shipyard Cooperative Education Apprentice Program. Contact the Student Development Office at the Portsmouth Campus for more information.

Tidewater Community College offers a variety of classes through distance delivery, including telecourses, teleconference classes, and web-based online classes. Students are able to select from a wide range of courses. Taught by TCC faculty, these classes are of comparable academic quality and transfer exactly like their classroom counterparts. For technical requirements, resources for students, student success strategies, and schedules of classes, visit the Distance Learning website or call (757) 822-1122 for additional information.

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