Mennonites: Goshen College Plays U.S. Anthem

For the very first time, the Goshen College played the U.S. national anthem. Goshen College is one of the several Mennonite schools. Mennonites have refused military service; they have also refused to pledge allegiance to any flag or any nation. Mennonites have a tradition of simplicity, of passionate service to God and the most vulnerable members of His Kingdom.

They were among more than 100 people who gathered around the Goshen baseball diamond to hear the patriotic tune that had never been played at the Mennonite college.

College officials admit that the continued refusal to play the national anthem may have become a barrier to some students. College enrollment peaked at more than 1,200 students in the 1970s and 1980s but “we’ve been on about a 30-year decline,” said Jodi Beyeler, a spokeswoman.

“In many ways, the policy was putting up barriers both on campus and off campus,” she added. “The Mennonites are important, but so are the Catholics and Baptists and other denominations on our campus.”

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