Love Has Many Faces Movie – Today on TCM

Love Has Many Faces Movie Synopsis:

Married couple Kit and Pete are questioned by the Acapulco police when the body of Billy Andrews, a beachboy, washes ashore. Kit had an affair with Billy, and Pete accuses Kit of causing Billy’s suicide because she ended their affair. Pete is a former beachboy who married Kit for her money and is now having second thoughts about his way of life. When Carol Lambert, Billy’s fiancée, arrives in Acapulco, Pete becomes attracted to her, and Kit, meanwhile, consoles herself with a bullfighter. At the ranch of Don Julian, where they are watching the testing of the bulls, Kit overhears Carol demand of Pete that he choose between herself and Kit. Upset, Kit rides her horse into the bullring and is gored by a bull, but Pete jumps into the ring and diverts the bull’s second charge. Kit is rushed to the hospital; Carol returns to the States; and Pete and Kit are reconciled.

Watch the classic 1965 movie Love Has Many Faces on TCM today. Show date and time: March 12, 08:15 AM.



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