Lester Moyer – Philadelphia Almanac Predicts Huge Snowstorm

Lester Moyer makes his own Almanac. His Philadelphia Almanac predicts huge snowstorm coming on March 7th, about 40 inches. Why would people from Philadelphia believe him and his Almanac? Because Lester Moyer has been getting the previous predictions correct.

NBC Philly wrote:

“The people that buy my Almanac say I’m 85 to 95 percent accurate, you know, and they plan their vacations and their family get togethers around my predictions,” Lester says. “Of course, I, you know, get the naysayers, you know, who say, you know, I’m some kinda a kook, you know, but it was a way of life years ago.”

“In the almanac, Lester predicts bad weather days on Feb. 4 and 5 – Berks got 17.2 inches Feb. 5. He also predicted “something wicked this way cometh” Feb. 8 to 11 – we got 23 inches in a blustery storm on Wednesday, which was Feb. 10,” Reading Eagle reporter Ron Devlin writes.



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