How to know your site is safe and virus-free

Use McAfee SiteAdvisor to check and know whether your site is safe and virus-free.

McAfee SiteAdvisor gives you the overall rating for your website. A site rating is an opinion of a website’s reputation. The site rating is based on the interpretation of a variety of test results that provide the best indication of a site’s reputation over time.

SiteAdvisor test sites for downloads, browser exploits, e-mail, phishing, e-commerce, pop-ups and cookies and affiliations with other sites.

SiteAdvisor use proprietary techniques to visit and test sites. It hen analyze the resulting data and present it to users in the form of colored icons.

Online Affiliations
It indicates the overall opinion of a website’s linking practices. It collects information about the URL links posted on a site to determine whether the site is affiliated or effectively directing traffic to another site. It rates a site based on the estimation of the risk users could experience if they used these links to be led to other risky sites.

Exploits are rare but extremely dangerous security threats caused by a website “exploiting” a security vulnerability in the browser. SiteAdvisor performs tests to detect the presence of exploits on a site. An exploit is any content that forces a web browser to perform operations that the user does not explicitly intend.

Web reputation
McAfee tests websites for web reputation using the TrustedSource system. This system collects security data from tens of millions of sensors located in more than 120 countries. McAfee’s proprietary technology analyzes traffic and linking patterns, website behavior, content analysis, site registration and hosting, to develop an overall reputation rating for the website.



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